Practice Player 2.7 Demo - All Revision History since 2.5.0
2015.01.01 03:21
[V. 2.7]
- fix , remove noise, octave-shift bug fix,
- don't have to install soundfont.
- still multi-measure rest, cue note, etc are not supported in demo version.
[ V. 2.6 ]
- better way to set default score size after zoom in/out action
- master volume
[ V. 2.5.14 ]
- fix: close score from collection now return to collection correctly
[ V. 2.5.13 ]
- update sample music(ms-015, ms-016), enhance minor UI
[ V. 2.5.12 ]
- Code Enhancement ; run on more devices
[ V. 2.5.11 ]
- Now, continue playing while screen is off (power button)
[ V. 2.5.10 ]
- Louder metronome
- Better performance in loading and saving.'
[ V. 2.5.9 ]
- modent is added
- turn and mordent with accidental
- Sounding for Turn and Mordent
- show key cancel (natural key)
- fix Key change for octave shifted note
- added part of Goldberg variation as sample
[ V. ]
- bug fix: handling incomplete bar in the middle of score
- remove version number from app title
[ V. ]
- adjust measure width for midi
[ V. 2.5.8 ]
- Musicxml score enhancements
- Cross Staff Beaming
- clef change between arbitrary number of beam
- and many other bug fixes and enhancements
[ V. ]
- Fix: maintain tie note after key change
[ V. ]
- Fix width of tool menu on explorer screen
[ V. ]
- better guide to install soundfont properly using 'Soundfont Installer' app.
[ V. ]
- This version is right one for the user who first install this app.
[ V. ]
- this demo requires soundfont installed. Now it correctly guides to install soundfont.
[ V. ]
- Fix: return from Auto Speed-up Repeat after done maximum repeat count
[ V. 2.5.7 ]
- 2 Sample score are provided at SD card area.
- Manage with Collection list (kind of favorite list)
- Bug fix open originall Xml after saving modified Xml
- MusicXml Vocabulary adding - Bow up and down
- Fix : musicXml repeat when there is simple repeat at the end beat of score.
[ V. ]
- Fix in file listing: recover to list top level when some folder beneath is deleted
- Enhancement : remember scroll position when back to last folder
[ Ver. ]
- Enhance and Fix : Default Note Size applied, behavior on note size change with track hide (with also orientation change)
- Indicates number of Muted and Hidden tracks with touch action of pop up.
[ Ver. ]
- bug fix : while playing, change show note name or small measure width option
[ Ver. ]
- Lyric in bold option
- for midi, Quantize option to limit to 16th note.
- bug fix in play in/out setting
[ Ver. ]
- added an option to use small measure width when note number is not shown
[ Ver. ]
- Resolved another bug which affects vol. per track
- pls. refer to support site for detail.
[ Ver. ]
- Show note name
- Enhance in Clef change popup
[ Ver. 2.5.6 ]
- make up incomplete code for solo, mute, vol per track, vol per channel
- bug fix in play-in/out setting
- Enhances in explorer and ui for small screen
- Now you can control volume in both way - per channel and per track
which is useful for tracks with same channel like multiple drum tracks
(Only will work in Live On state)
- Better handling multi-instruments per track
[Version 2.5.5]
- Clef change - G,F, C, clefline, octave change for both midi / xml
- save/load clef change
- fix: delete for xml
- enhance ; size and rotation behavior
[ Version ]
- Enhanced : Instrument. and option change while playing repeated.
- Bug fix : save/load Vol, Inst. for xml
- Score size change with only Pincn Zoom action
also, without stopping music (no dialog pop up)
- Fill last note's length when repeat
- Make dialog cancellable for options and auto speed up too
[ Version ]
- Now all of modified including volume per track can be saved for xml too
( tempo, track hide&mute, instrument, volume, highlight, play-in/out, repeat option)
- Sibelius Virtual Instrument name for 'General Midi' is now recognized
- So, if you use general midi sound set in Sibelius 7, then exported musicXml will be read without problem
- fix in track highlight save/load
- minor enhancement on UI
instrument selection list chanegd for performance reason.
[ Version ]
- bug fix in xml parsing
- add some Sibelius specifics for musicXml
[ Version 2.5.4 ]
- musicXml Trill option - can set number of trills per note length
- midi/xml open from 3rd. party app - besides dropbox, file explorer (e.g. ES Explorer...)
=> disabled in Demo
- Initial keyboard hiding for dialog - now stable.
- 3.8 Mbytes new musicXml sample added - Vivaldi Winter
[ Version 2.5.3 ]
- many UI enhancements
* All buttons are bigger
* Play button group now simplified and shows more score
* Tempo Change by +/- button
* Restarting after score size change with scroll enaabled may cause trouble
so will not restart if scroll is enabled - one of safe codes
- File read error handling
* Wrong formated file, or failure of reading file now shows message
- Codes towards minimum music playing stopping
[ Version 2.5.2 ]
- Highlight change is now detected for modified saving.
- Now all options works without music stop
- 2 options fix for 'fill incomplete beginning' and 'No sound adjustment'
- bug fix: Launching from file/internet browser
- bug fix: problem when you touch screen while file is being loaded
- Zoom action will bring up score size popup
- Faster file loading - shows size and progress in %
[ Version 2.5.1 ]
- 2 multiple verses example xml score added to samples.
- Metronome is enhanced.
- Read bigger musicXml score - currently tested 8 Mbytes xml file on nexus 7
- Old options menus(about, help..) have been moved to popup menu under tool icon.
[ Now, it is version 2.5.0 ]
- fix musicXml compatibility for Cubase
- musicXml